Corredor Verde, El Vedato, La Habana
Andrew Moore | New York

Location: 250 Vesey Street, New York, NY 10281
This artwork is not open to the public
About the work
Interested in documentation of the ravages of time, Andrew Moore gives us New Works From Cuba, six digital chromogenic prints that are cinematic in their scale and dramatic effect. In Corredor Verde, a glowing interior foyer of a residence that recalls the master works of Vermeer in its use of light seems real enough to step into. The crumbling architecture in the photos serves as reminders of the inevitable demise of the man-made over time and, by proxy, of our mortality. This piece is a Chromogenic Print from 2001.
About Andrew Moore
Andrew Moore seeks out dramatic visual evidence of the passage of time. He writes: “My photographic interests are stimulated by the busy intersections of history, particularly those locations where multiple tangents of time overlap and tangle.” For Moore, time is tangled most picturesquely in half-collapsed factories, a jumble of Times Square signs, or the faded splendor of Havana. In his photographs, he captures the stunning beauty of grandeur and its dissolution. Andrew Moore is best known for his thoughtful and vibrant images of Cuba, Russia, Times Square, and most recently, Detroit.