Stormy Weather

Howard Hodgkin | New York

Arts New York Howard Stormy Weather painting

Location: 250 Vesey Street, New York, NY 10281

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About the work

Hodgkin’s paintings and prints often refer to memories and private experiences, but deliberately avoid the illustrational. Though his works often appear spontaneous, they are often the result of an extensive process of layering and over-painting. Hodgkin first began making original prints in the 1950s. In his later years he favoured the use of etching, aquatint and carborundum combined with hand-painting.

Stormy Weather, 2012Hand-painted carborundum relief from 2 aluminum plates, printed in a blend of Emerald Green, Cobalt Blue, Turquoise, Ocean Blue and Prussian Blue, with hand-painting in Cobalt Teal, Ultramarine Blue and Indigo washes on 2 sheets of Arches Moulin du Gue blanc, 350 gsm paper

174.0 x 244.0 cm, Edition of 15

About Howard Hodgkin

Howard Hodgkin (1932 - 2017) was one of Britain’s most important painters and printmakers. Born in London, he studied at the Camberwell School of Art between 1949 - 50, followed by the Bath Academy of Art between 1950-1954.